10 Video Game Puzzles NOBODY Figured Out

FINE, I'll Google it.

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In many ways, the most rewarding moment in a video game is when you complete a frustrating puzzle. To defeat a boss, you need skill and timing. But when it comes to cracking a cipher, you have to use your brain. Titles like Portal, Braid, and Fez are so satisfying because you have to be smart to beat them. (Or you could just use an online walkthrough.)

Even though it can be unbearable when you're stuck on a certain section, it makes the whole gaming experience better when your toiling pays off, and you emerge triumphant.

But sometimes, the developers make a puzzle so intricately complex, it seems unsolvable. Thanks to a lack of clues or logic, not even a bonafide genius could work out these devious cryptographs without a step-by-step guide.

More often than not, you decode these brain-teasers, not with deduction but through dumb luck. Upon completion, you usually don't feel relieved. Instead, you're left reeling from shock, since the conundrum in question was so absurd.

We all know gamers love a challenge, but who actually managed to decipher these ridiculous puzzles?

10. The Rubber Duck – The Longest Journey

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Early on The Longest Journey, our protagonist, April, will spot a a key wedged on the subway track. Because you can’t obtain the key without the rails electrocuting you, you need to turn off the power.

In any other game that doesn't want the player to lose the will to live, you would flip a switch to deactivate all electronics, hop onto the rails, and swipe the key.

But in The Longest Journey, there's over a dozen steps to perform this single action. You need to (takes deep breath) go to your apartment and use the gold ring that your dad gave you to loosen the clamp off a water pressure system. (If that sounds convoluted, that's the first phase.) Then, you have to toss breadcrumbs at a rubber ducky outside, which attracts a seagull. By nibbling on the bread, the bird will accidentally puncture the toy. (Before you ask, yes, this is part of the same puzzle.)

After that, grab a clothesline, go downstairs, pick the ducky up, tie it to the clamp, reinflate it, and then use it to collect the key.

If you know what you're doing, this section should only take ten minutes. But no one on their first playthrough will notice the rubber ducky and think, "Well, I obviously have to chuck bread at this thing to retrieve the key at the subway." When you phrase it like that, you can see how surreal the whole situation is.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85