10 Video Game Puzzles NOBODY Figured Out

9. The Waterfall – Earthbound

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Hal Lab

In role-playing games, you're expected to perform a lot of side-quests, backtracking, and collect all sorts of wacky gizmos. But considering Earthbound has our hero fighting evil tents, musical notes, and Salvador Dali's melting clock, it's won't surprise you to learn some missions are a bit... weird.

So, when Ness and his crew are asked for the password to pass beyond Grapefruit Falls, the player assumes they’re meant to input a code. Because you never received one, you’ll naturally explore the area, trying to find some message or clue.

Of course, you won't find one since the so-called “password” is to stand still behind the waterfall for three minutes. Obviously, no one would think of doing this because... that's not a password! A password is a word or phrase. Standing around is... standing around.

In the game's defence, there is a random Mr. Saturn in Saturn Valley who tells you how to get behind the waterfall. But if you don't happen to bump into this particular NPC, you could never figure this puzzle out yourself.

Even if you speak to him, it mightn't register what he's seeing since the Saturn people usually speak in gibberish. Also, the cursive in the Mr. Saturn's lettering is so hard to read, most people don't notice he's told you the password in the first place.


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