10 Video Game Puzzles That Stopped EVERYONE

7. The Shakespeare Anthology Puzzle - Silent Hill 3 (2003)

silent hill 3

Solving puzzles has always been a core part of survival horror games in which players will spend large chunks of their time hunting for strange keys and solving logic problems in between fighting monsters.

One of the most infamous examples comes right at the start of Silent Hill 3 where players are tasked with finding a four-digit code to open a door in a bookstore. To get the code, they'll need to place volumes of Shakespeare anthologies on a shelf in the correct order, using the numbers on their spines to unlock the door.

Although cracking this code is straightforward on easier difficulties, the real headache comes when tackling this on the hardest riddle setting.

With the clue now being a list of obscure quotes from the bard's works, solving not only requires an in-depth knowledge of Shakespeare's writing to identify which play each line is from, but it also meant that players would need to know which anthology that play was part of too.

Even with the books in the right order, the solution involved solving another riddle by multiplying the numbers on the spines to get the final code.

... This was only the first puzzle.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.