10 Video Game Puzzles That Stopped EVERYONE

6. The Gnome's Name - Kings Quest (1984)

silent hill 3
IBM/Sierra On-Line

At one point in 1984 adventure game King's Quest, players will encounter an old gnome who says that he has something useful for them. Instead of just handing it over, though, he demands that players guess their name within three attempts.

Given that this riddle is a reference to the story of Rumpelstiltskin, players would rightly assume that this would be the answer. However, they'd be incorrect.

A note in a witch's house earlier in the game reading "Sometimes it's wise to think backwards" sheds some light on the answer. But instead of typing the name in reverse like the hint suggests, the developers expected players to figure out that they were supposed to invert the entire alphabet to use as a cipher in which "A" is "Z" and so on. Using this illogical method, the gnome's name becomes "Ifnkovhgroghprm".

Making this puzzle somehow even more frustrating was that the developers accidentally misspelt the fairy tale character's name in the game by swapping the "e" and "l" around, meaning that players would still get the wrong answer even if they somehow cracked the code.

The puzzle was so logically broken that the answer was changed in the remaster to be "Nikstlitslepmur", Rumpelstiltskin backwards.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.