10 Video Game Puzzles That Stopped EVERYONE

5. The Mountain Door - Tunic (2022)

silent hill 3

Despite featuring an adorable anthropomorphic fox as its hero, Tunic is far from being a cutesy adventure game. Much like the Dark Souls series, this title leaves it up to players to figure out how everything works, with the most baffling challenge being to open the door at the top of the mountain by discovering what the game calls the Golden Path.

The solution to this puzzle can be found within the pages of a virtual game manual that's written in its own unique language. Specifically, on a page containing numbers on a golden grid.

These numbers refer to pages from the manual which have yellow lines carefully hidden on them. Find all the lines (one of which involves quitting and reloading the game to find a secret save file containing the lines laid out in a maze) and match them to where they belong on the grid to unveil the Golden Path.

Players must then note down each direction the line takes and convert them into button presses on the D-Pad. Once completed, they can now stand in front of the door and input the gigantic 100-button combination to unlock it.

The bigger question is how anyone figured this out on their own.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.