10 Video Game Questions You Didn't Realise Had Been Answered

6. Is Bigfoot Actually In The Game? - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

big foot

There aren't many video game mysteries more enduring than the belief that Bigfoot may be roaming around the forests within Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Almost immediately upon the game's 2004 launch, rumours began spreading online that it was possible to catch Bigfoot, with mischievous fans even faking screenshots and, once the game hit PC, generating mods to trick inquisitive fellow players.

Though the series have moved on, some players haven't - there are those who remain convinced that Bigfoot is still hidden within the game.

And while it seems like the Bigfoot enigma is destined to be one of gaming's great unanswered questions, it's important to remember that then-Rockstar CEO Terry Donovan actually confirmed many years ago that, "there is no Bigfoot, just like in real life."

The problem, inevitably, is that Rockstar's famously secretive and playful nature means that some fans won't take their declaration seriously, and are still busily seeking out the digital Sasquatch.

Hell, Rockstar even extended an olive branch to afflicted players by including Bigfoot in Grand Theft Auto V as an Easter egg, but some 17 years after San Andreas first hit our screens, the fascination continues.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.