10 Video Game Questions You Didn't Realise Had Been Answered

7. Is Sans Or Papyrus The Older Brother? - Undertale

big foot
Toby Fox

Two of Undertale's most beloved characters are skeletal siblings Sans and Papyrus, who together guard the Snowdin forest. Their popularity has caused many fans to ponder the exact nature of their fraternal relationship - namely, which one is the older brother and which is younger?

Though fans still debate this today, the answer was actually confirmed in a now-deleted 2015 tweet from Undertale creator Toby Fox.

He said that Papyrus would use the term "aniki" in the game's planned Japanese translation, which is a term typically used towards older brothers.

This was clarified beyond any doubt in 2017 when Undertale finally received an official Japanese translation, where Papyrus calls Sans "Nii-chan," which is an immature means of referring to one's older brother.

So, Sans is the older brother, then. Glad that's settled.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.