10 Video Game Remakes That Butchered The Original

8. MediEvil: Resurrection and MediEvil (2019)

Grand Theft Auto Definitive Edition
Other Ocean Interactive

MediEvil for the PlayStation may not have been as iconic as other adventure titles at the time, but it wasn't without its charm. Due to its laugh-out-loud humour, focus on atmosphere, catchy soundtracks, and innovative puzzles. the wacky hack-and-slash developed a loyal fanbase.

Now, there's no question MediEvil wasn't without fault, since it suffered from a janky camera, shoddy controls, and uncreative level structure. So, when a re-imagining for the PSP was announced, it was the perfect opportunity to remedy these concerns.

Unfortunately, MediEvil: Resurrection was a misfire. This camera was worse than ever, especially during combat. Coupled with the woeful hit detection, fighting the simplest enemy proved challenging. Though the voice-acting was phenomenal (especially Tom Baker as The Grim Reaper), it didn't make up for the unfun gameplay.

But with another remake in the pipeline, it seemed like the goofy swords-and-sorcery IP could redeem itself.

Somehow, 2019's MediEvil was the worst entry yet. Apart from a graphical overhaul, every aspect of the game seemed outdated, including the lack of checkpoints and unfair difficulty. Even though the controls, combat, and camera were a well-recognised sore-point in the series, the developers did nothing to improve them. 

It's disappointing how MediEvil has been remade twice and yet, neither version topped the original.

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