10 Video Game Remakes That Erase Their Iconic Originals

2. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of time

An absolute masterpiece and masterclass in game design, Ocarina of Time's sumptuous blend of intricate dungeons, fun puzzles, groundbreaking combat and open-world discovery is a mixture that makes it many peoples' best game of all time.

However, when Nintendo went back to the drawing board in 2011 (some 13 years later), they touched up all the necessary parts that legions of fans had pointed out were stopping Ocarina be not just phenomenal, but flawless.

Such things were inventory and item management (now given quick access from the 3DS bottom touch screen), orientation when traversing the Water Temple's various corridors, upgraded animations for Link, better tutorialisation/help all around and a general lick of paint to overhaul the graphics.

The result was a Studio Ghibli-infused vision of a fantasy realm, brought to life with just the right balance of third-person control and difficulty. Ocarina's brilliant "Actually you've broken everything and allowed evil to triumph, now go fix everything!" twist is still one of gaming's biggest gut-punches, and the resultant quest to save the realm is quintessential Nintendo at its finest.

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Gaming Editor

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