10 Video Game Reveals That Make You Wish You’d Given Up Instead

7. Cereza Is Bayonetta - Bayonetta

heavy rain
Platinum Games

If your first thought on seeing the above picture is, "That's just young Bayonetta, surely?" then congratulations. There is no prize though.

That's because it is. I mean, it's pretty obvious it is, right since we saw Cereza in the second mission of the game. The whole 'calling Bayonetta mommy' thing is a red herring that is fooling no one.

Yet Platinum really thought they were duping us with the whole thing, bless 'em. It's like when a child hides behind a curtain and you can see their feet poking out of the bottom: you go along with it because they think they've fooled you.

So of course it boils down to some convoluted nonsense about time travel and all that jazz, we discover that no really, she is a young Bayonetta and the world keeps on spinning.

Of course, there's more to it than that, as is the case with time travel. Without Bayonetta's guidance Cereza wouldn't grow up to be Bayonetta, that's standard paradox stuff.

But they could have at least made her not look the absolute spit of her if they were trying to convince us otherwise.

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Heavy Rain
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.