10 Video Game Reveals That Make You Wish You’d Given Up Instead

4. You've Got Super Powers - Condemned 2: Bloodshot

heavy rain

The first Condemned doesn't get as much credit as it deserves. As one of the Xbox 360's early titles, it was pretty rough around the edges but had some charm in its combat and crime scene elements, as well a story that wasn't too bad.

Then, the second game happened. Whilst it improved on the forensic elements, it threw away a lot of the darker elements of the first game for sillier combat and ludicrous plot.

One such element of the original was the mysterious force known as The Hate behind Serial Killer X and his motives. Fine, I think. Bit supernatural but we'll go with it. By the time of the second game, we're introduced to the bigger picture and the mysterious Oro and their shouty powers.


Then there's the reveal that protagonist Ethan is "The Remedy", a legend foretold to have the "perfectly evolved vocal chords" capable of harnessing the Oro's true power. Basically, you get a sonic shout special power.

It was so daft that it tainted any semblance of decent narrative the series had built up to that point. Hardly surprising that we haven't seen another one.

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Heavy Rain
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.