10 Video Game Rivalries That ALWAYS Had Clear Winners


Sonic vs mario vs sonic


Every year, gamers all around the world unite in slating the annual release of EA's Fifa, promising themselves and everyone around that they're definitely switching it up by buying its rival, Pro Evolution Soccer.

And then the next year rolls around, everyone buys Fifa, and the process repeats.

What makes this all the more harder to swallow is the fact that, by all accounts, PES is the far superior game in terms of gameplay. Games run much smoother, feel more realistic, feature more detailed visuals and offer far more interesting and creative modes to play through.

Fifa, on the other hand, has descended into a series that is increasingly short on new content, but painfully invested in cash-grabbing microtransactions on the likes of Ultimate Team and Draft Mode.

Sadly though, the last few years' sales are pretty damning on which of these rivals is coming out on top. Fifa 19 sold 20 million copies compared to less than a million recognised sales for PES 2019.

At time of writing, the state of these rivals is pretty lop-sided, with over 280 million and just over 100 million copies in favour of Fifa and Pro Evo respectively.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.