10 Video Game Rivalries That ALWAYS Had Clear Winners

3. Dota 2 Vs. League Of Legends

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The pillars of Massive Online Multiplayer Battle Arenas, the League vs. Dota debate is one of the longest-standing and fiercest back n' forths in gaming. Both games have huge fanbases and active competitive scenes, though League has constantly found a way of edging it out against its rival over the years.

Whilst it's generally agreed that Dota has the higher competitive skill ceiling, is more challenging for newcomers to simply pick up and play and boasts the most lucrative Esports competition in the world with its International tournament, it still doesn't have the player or event count of its Riot Games counterpart.

League of Legends currently boasts an active player count of 80 million users per month, earning it the nickname of the most played video game in the world. In comparison, Dota has been on a steady downward spiral in terms of its player count since 2016, dropping as low as just 615k in January of this year.

It's clear that League is chartering a path to becoming the absolute go-to for MOBA fans, whilst Dota's collection of passionate, but far smaller, group of fans continues to shrink with each month and patch that goes by.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.