10 Video Game Rivalries That ALWAYS Had Clear Winners

2. Mario Vs. Sonic

Sonic vs mario vs sonic


Arguably the most famous mascot rivalry of all time, Nintendo's Super Mario was the most famous and successful 2D platformer of its day by the time SEGA rolled around with rival, Sonic.

It's fair to say that Sonic initially had the edge to this rivalry, stunning the world with impressive visuals and lightning-fast speed in comparison to Nintendo's current game engine. Mario was the safe, family-friendly title, but Sonic was what the cool older brothers were all playing.

However, from that initial rush onwards, there's only been one winner. The success of Super Mario 64 on the N64 put SEGA on the back foot in the race to mastering 3D gaming, and the Sonic series has arguably never really found a steady home in the scene to this day.

With 3D conquered, Super Mario made a triumphant return to 2D platforming with the ultra-popular New Super Mario Bros. series which hit sixty million sales for its DS and Wii titles on their own.

The final nail in the coffin for this rivalry probably came a little earlier however when the SEGA Dreamcast was discontinued and the recently released Sonic Adventure 2 became the first Sonic game available to play on a Nintendo console when it was re-released for the Gamecube.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.