10 Video Game Secrets That Broke The Law

6. The Red Cross - Among Us

Punch Out Wii

Among Us developers Innersloth found themselves in a most peculiar legal bind when, after the game blew up in 2020, they discovered a tiny sliver of the game's artwork was effectively violating the UK's Geneva Conventions Act of 1957.

This piece of legislation is concerned with incorporating the Geneva Conventions - treaties which establish international standards for humanitarian conduct during war - into British law.

One notable aspect of the Geneva Conventions Act is that it severely restricts use of the Red Cross logo.

In Among Us, the distinctive emblem was plastered across the game's MedBay, and with it being a mere frivolous video game, it too fell foul of the law.

And so, earlier this year, developers Innersloth revealed on Twitter that once the "sus," law-breaking art was brought to their attention, they immediately released a patch which changed the colour of the crosses to blue, ensuring they skirted clear of being dragged through the legal mud.

The studio evidently had a sense of humour about the whole kerfuffle, though, even jokingly referring to themselves as "war criminals."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.