10 Video Game Secrets You Can't Unsee
That's one hell of a mutation.

The task of creating a video game is a monumental one, and the steps taken to ensure the experience comes out as intended can require some obtuse methods. Consumers are (usually) presented with a finished product that, when operated correctly, provides a mountain of awe-inspiring moments, challenging obstacles and memorable experiences.
Peaking behind the curtain, it's apparent that developing games is quite the convoluted affair. Creating a product that is to be played by many will naturally lead to persistent scrutiny, and so gamers are constantly finding secrets and blemishes that deviate from the intended experience.
Some are deliberate - and even encouraged to be discovered - and some aren't. Planting a secret to be uncovered by the most observant among us is part of the fun though, and distance from a game's main focus means they don't impact the product's initial purpose.
Despite this, there's a handful of secrets that linger far beyond their reveal, perhaps because of their creepy undertones or maybe their unintended comedic value.
Secrets are made to be uncovered, and so we've put on our deerstalkers, because this lot just won't get out of our heads.
10. Hidden Files - Doki Doki Literature Club!
Doki Doki's deceptive art direction and cute soundtrack may lead the player to believe they're embarking on a lighthearted journey of teenage romance as they're introduced to a high school literature club.
Natsuki, Yuri, Monika and Sayori all convey unique characteristics designed to draw the attention of the game's protagonist. The sweet is quickly replaced by the sinister, however, as the narrative takes a dramatic turn for the psychologically horrifying. Breaking the fourth wall and drastic changes in characters behaviour settle in, and as the story inches closer to its climax.
Doki Doki Literature Club! requires the player to enter the game's files on the PC's hard drive and physically remove an NPC's folder, wiping them from existence. However, what can be found amongst the character files is even weirder and devilishly difficult to decipher.
Embedded within the game's files are a smattering of seemingly nonsensical files that any regular player would skip past. Curiosity is rewarded, however, and by fiddling with the files, translating the scripts and reading the scores of information presented, a creepy tale featuring the characters of Doki Doki Literature Club! can be extracted.
The cute theme that greeted the player will never be the same again.