10 Video Game Secrets You Can't Unsee

9. Satoru Iwata Tribute - Breath Of The Wild

Fallout trains

The presence of the late Satoru Iwata can be felt in all corners of the video game medium.

Serving as president of Nintendo during the Gamecube, Wii and a hefty chunk of the WiiU era, Iwata was instrumental in bringing us some of the most iconic characters that video games have to offer.

It was of no surprise, then, that when he passed in the summer of 2015 during the development of one of Nintendo's most ambitious projects to date, the company sought to honour him.

The Hyrule that 2017's Breath of the Wild presents is ripe for exploration. Roaming the land will often mean scores of conversations with NPC's, and one such instance will lead the player on quite the interesting journey.

After finding and chatting with Botrick, a seemingly familiar face to begin with, he'll tell you to investigate Satori Mountain, where he insists the 'Lord of the Mountain' appears. Arriving at the location will present the player with a cherry blossom tree, a staple of Japanese culture and a symbol of the short nature of life, eluding to Iwata's life, legacy and untimely death.

A beautiful tribute to one of the industry's greatest figureheads.

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Fallout 3
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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.