10 Video Game Sequels That DRASTICALLY Missed The Point

1. Resident Evil Village

kingdom hearts 3

Let's play spot the difference.

The first two-thirds of Resident Evil 7 are a slow-burning triumph of skin-crawling horror, marred by a final act filled with samey combat and dull boss fights.

The first two-thirds of Resident Evil 8 are a slow-burning triumph of skin-crawling horror, marred by a final act filled with samey combat and dull boss fights.

It's almost impressive how wilfully ignorant Capcom was of RE7's failings when they designed the sequel. It's one thing to make a bad sequel, but following up with a product that makes exactly the same mistakes as the original is baffling.

Not only that, but the ludicrously overblown section where you play as Chris Redfield (imagine a supernatural Call of Duty) showed that Capcom had also forgotten how much people hated the equally over-the-top Resident Evil 6.

Failing to learn from one prequel is bad enough - but failing to learn from two looks like you're actively trying to drive your franchise off a cliff.

Here's hoping the inevitable Resident Evil 9 manages to refrain from indulging in the Frasier Crane school of game design, where "More is more."

[You used that joke in another article - WhatCulture Ed.]

I know, Ed, but I'm just following Capcom's example: always rehash old material, even when - especially when - it didn't work the first time.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.