10 Video Game Sequels That Fixed Specific Fan Complaints

5. Borderlands 3: The Destroyer Is Back, And This Time, It’s… Not Terrible

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2K Games

Now, Borderlands definitely isn’t a series to take seriously. Gearbox Software/2K Games’ looter shooter is defined by its distinctive visuals, ridiculous sense of humour and even more absurd arsenal of customisable weaponry. Some elements, however, are considered jokes for all the wrong reasons.

The Destroyer, for instance, is essentially the ultimate enemy of the series, perhaps the greatest threat the Vault Hunters ever face. It’s a gigantic otherworldly being with all kinds of tentacles, trapped in the Vault by the Eridians many centuries ago (the whole of their civilisation was lost in the conflict). On finally encountering it in the first Borderlands, then, players probably expected one heck of a dramatic showdown. They were sorely disappointed.

As final bosses go, The Destroyer served as only a huge, ugly damage sponge, doing nothing particularly special and rewarding the player with nothing of note.

This egregious mistake was put right in Borderlands 3, at the climax of which Tyreen Calypso (the big bad of this instalment) melds with the creature itself to form Tyreen the Destroyer. This is a boss battle worthy of the name, featuring multiple stages, an unpredictable opponent and the potential for a swift and painful demise if the player isn’t careful.

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