10 Video Game Sequels That Fixed Specific Fan Complaints

4. Streets Of Rage 4: Adam Hunter Returns After Almost 30 Years

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When the brand-new Streets of Rage 4 was announced, fans were jubilant. For many gamers of a certain age, Sega’s beloved beat ‘em up was a childhood highlight, and the franchise had been dormant since 1994’s Streets of Rage 3. A sequel seemed to be almost an impossibility after all these years, but suddenly, here it was.

Launching in late April of this year, Dotemu’s Streets of Rage 4 proved to be a more than worthy addition to the series. A little dated in today’s gaming world simply by virtue of its concept, yes, but fans are sure to be pleased with the way it updates the franchise while staying true to the beloved originals.

Speaking of the originals, the new title addressed several issues fans had with the previous title in particular. The crushing difficulty of Streets of Rage 3 has been toned down, its bizarre and haphazard plot replaced by something more familiar (Mr. X’s children, the Y twins, seek to control the city with their goons) and, most importantly, Adam Hunter is a playable character again!

As iconic as Axel Hunter and Blaze Fielding, Adam was previously playable only in the original. He was replaced by his younger brother, Skate, after being kidnapped by Mr. X’s forces in the second game. The third simply stated that he was ‘too busy’ to appear, so it was only fair that he made a glorious return in the new game. As a character unlocked during a prominent part of the plot, too!

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