10 Video Game Sequels That Fixed Specific Fan Complaints

3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Everyone Is Here!

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The essence of the Super Smash Bros. series, of course, is characters from across the wide world of Nintendo (and beyond) gathering to pummel each other into madcap, cartoon oblivion. To that end, a wide range of characters have been introduced since the since began.

From Metroid’s Ridley to Sonic the Hedgehog, from Metal Gear Solid's Solid Snake to King Of Fighters’ Terry Bogard, the series has become a who’s who of gaming icons. Occasionally, though, certain members of the roster don’t return for the next title (such as Wolf O’Donnell of Starfox fame) and fans never take kindly to that sort of thing.

Nintendo Switch instalment Super Smash Bros. Ultimate may or may not be the last Smash, but one thing’s for sure: all the stops were pulled out for this one. As the early tagline ‘everyone is here!’ suggested, every past Smash roster member made a return here, leaving the game with a frankly absurd cast of characters to choose from alongside the newcomers.

The ongoing DLC efforts have split opinion (did Fire Emblem really need another representative?), but nobody can deny that the game is utterly jam-packed at this point.

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