10 Video Game Sequels That Made You Play The Original Again

4. Flashback 2

yakuza game

Hands up everyone who knew that a sequel to legendary 1992 sci-fi platformer Flashback came out a few weeks ago. Anybody?

Well to be clear, Flashback 2 is actually a prequel to the original game, but given that it's literally called Flashback 2 and developer Microids curiously concealed its setting until the game was already out, it counts.

As surprised not a single living soul, Flashback 2 is a resoundingly dreadful game - one of the year's worst, for sure, defined by its woefully clunky combat, lackluster visuals, and utter lack of mood compared to its unforgettable predecessor.

It was painfully, upsettingly clear that Flashback 2 was a cynical cash-in on one of the most recognisable titles of the early '90s, and in turn it evidently had many revisiting the original game just to check that, indeed, it really was good.

Thankfully, at least, Flashback 2 landed with enough of an unfussed whimper that it has no chance at all of tarnishing the original's well-earned legacy in any way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.