10 Video Game Sequels You Didn’t Know Were Coming In 2018

8. Darksiders III

Darksiders 3

Sequels don't come much more long-awaited than Darksiders III, the third chapter in the biblical hack-and-slash series which has drawn favourable comparisons to God of War and The Legend of Zelda over the years.

Darksiders II sales may have been under par when it launched in 2012, but the game still boasts a cult following today, and would surely have spawned another sequel before now had publisher THQ not fallen into bankruptsy.

One acquisition by Nordic Games later and the series is on the comeback trail, this time with female Horseman of the Apocalypse Fury leading the charge, on a mission to seek out and destroy living embodiments of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Previous Darksiders games cast players as War and Death, but it's refreshing to see the developers shake things up with the inclusion of an undead lady protagonist.

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Darksiders 3
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