10 Video Game Sidekicks Who Kicked Your Ass

7. Pavel Morozov - Metro: Last Light

shadow of war bruz
4A Games

After being captured by the Fourth Reich, Metro: Last Light's protagonist Artyom makes fast acquaintance with one of his fellow prisoners, a Red Line soldier by the name of Pavel Morozov, who soon establishes himself as both a supremely badass and extremely cool support character.

Pavel and Artyom make a daring trek through the Metro tunnels and eventually reach a theater under Red Line control, where Pavel insists you both sit down and have a drink to celebrate surviving your ordeal.

Honestly, given that Pavel has saved your bacon numerous times throughout the preceding two hours, nothing seems especially fishy about his invitation, and so the duo start necking some drinks.

After a few rounds, though, Artyom's vision begins to blur, and Pavel reveals both that he's actually a Major in the Red Line and has drugged Artyom's drink in order for him to be interrogated.

It's a sad outcome for what seemed to be a blossoming bromance, though later in the game you're able to take Pavel down and get the choice of either sparing him or leaving him to die, depending on just how burned you feel.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.