10 Video Game Sidekicks Who Kicked Your Ass

5. Zeke Dunbar - Infamous

shadow of war bruz
Sucker Punch

Goddammit Zeke, why did you do that?

Infamous protagonist Cole MacGrath's best bud is Zeke Dunbar, who offers support to Cole throughout the game and is, to a point, a seemingly totally stand-up dude.

But that all changes when Cole tasks Zeke with taking possession of the all-powerful trinket known as the Ray Sphere, not appreciating the temptation it would present to his friend.

And so, Zeke decides to activate the Ray Sphere in an attempt to grant himself Conduit powers like Cole.

It doesn't work, however, and so Zeke decides to join forces with the villainous Kessler, who promises to help him gain the powers he desires if he gives him the Sphere.

Zeke complies, which in turn causes nearby Conduit Alden Tate to freak the hell out, collapsing the tower he and Cole are standing by, in turn causing Cole to get creamed by the falling metal debris.

Granted, Cole can easily withstand the damage, but all the same, Zeke's stupid-ass pursuit of power left his best mate standing in a pile of rubble.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.