10 Video Game Sidekicks Who Kicked Your Ass

4. Skizzo - Days Gone

shadow of war bruz
Sony Bend

Now in total fairness here, Raymond "Skizzo" Sarkozi is one hell of a skeevy-looking dude, and his relationship with Deacon St. John in Days Gone is an extremely uneasy one from the get-go.

Though Deacon agrees with Skizzo's sentiment that the Lost Lake camp's alliance with the cultists known as the Rippers is unconvincing at best, that's about where their commonalities lie.

All the same, Skizzo does briefly become a mission sidekick, when he asks Deacon to help him venture into Ripper territory and retrieve some detonation cable.

After doing so, however, Skizzo shows his truest of colours, knocking Deacon out with the butt of his gun and bringing him to the Rippers, where Deacon is forced to stage a daring escape.

Skizzo wasn't ever even remotely trustworthy, and if you dared to try and see the best in him regardless, this is all the hassle you got for your optimism.

He continues to be a thorn in the player's side throughout the game, so it's especially satisfying when you eventually, finally get to slit the guy's throat. Deserved isn't even the word.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.