10 Video Game Skills You Won’t Believe You Had To Unlock

9. Getting Naked - Loadout

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Edge of Reality

Many multiplayer shooter-type games have interesting clothing features you can either buy or unlock after pro gaming manoeuvres.

Usually, though, these are items of clothing. Fortnite's full body suits, Team Fortress 2's hat obsession - the list could go on.

But Loadout sees this as an opportunity to get wild, instead letting you unlock a skin that is a totally nude character. While this is a surprisingly unique customisation option - and likely good for surprising your enemies for long enough that you can get the first shot in - it's also weird for more than just seeing your player character stripped down to the skin.

There's just something about unlocking the ability to get naked that feels counterintuitive. It's sort of like playing an RPG with a female character that gets less and less covering armour the higher level she is.

It's still a simple, wholesome level of funny to traipse around the game like a caveman who hasn't learned the joy of comfy fabrics, though, and that will likely never change.


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