10 Video Game Skills You Won’t Believe You Had To Unlock

2. Wearing A Shirt - Kingdom Of Loathing

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In a suitably snarky denial, Kingdom of Loathing lets you wear armour on pretty much any part of your body from the offset of the game. Except your torso.

No, your torso remains bare for all to see until you learn "Torso Awaregness", which yes, is spelt exactly like that. It's also known as "how to put a shirt on, basically".

You can actually totally miss this quest on your first run through, meaning that the developers added in an extra quest in its new game plus where you can finally put a dang shirt on.

Should you learn it in Bad Moon mode, both the quest-giver and the quest text itself will worry about the fact that you never considered clothing your torso. Indeed, you appear to have just not realised you had one all this time until this event, which is actually far, far more worrying.

The imagine of you saving the world with your pecs out is pretty golden though, so it may actually be worth not learning this skill for as long as you can.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.