10 Video Game Stories That Clearly Ended (And Then Got A Sequel)

7. Dead Space 3

Dead Space 3 Ending

This is an especially baffling one, given that Dead Space 3's story was very decisively wrapped up, only for the Awakened DLC released barely a month later to lazily crowbar it wide open again.

You see, the base version of Dead Space 3 ended with Isaac and Carver seemingly sacrificing themselves for the greater good in order to destroy the Marker and wipe the Necromorphs out.

But of course, Visceral Games had already completed their sequel DLC, and so included a post-credits scene in the game which hinted at Isaac and Carver still being alive.

Lo and behold, rather than give them a fitting hero's demise, Awakened revealed that Isaac and Carver survived, and worse still, neither the Marker nor the Necromorphs had been entirely wiped out. Oh, and Earth was now overrun by Necromorphs. Great.

In an added dose of irony, Awakened's bleak ending seemed primed to set the table for a fourth game which, to date, still hasn't materialised. If Visceral just left good alone and made Dead Space 3 the definitive finale, then all would've been fine.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.