10 Video Game Stories That Clearly Ended (And Then Got A Sequel)

6. Gears Of War 3

Gears of War 3
Epic Games

Much like the Resident Evil franchise, Gears of War has made a habit out of transparently hitting the reset button with each new sequel. Though each game tends to end with the major threat being vanquished, of course there's always something new lurking out there.

Even so, Gears of War 3 truly felt like a culmination of everything fans had experienced up to that point: the Locust, Lambent, and the Imulsion were all wiped out, while Marcus was left to thoughtfully ponder the sacrifices of Adam and Dom as he looked hopefully towards Earth's future.

The fact that Gears of War 4 took another five years to release probably confirms how thoroughly the third game wrote the team into a corner, and so it ultimately takes place 25 years after Gears of War 3, with a new monstrous race called the Swarm being swiftly introduced as the successor to the Locust.

Though it's not remotely surprising that a fourth Gears happened, it barrelled through the previous game's happy ending without a damn care in the world.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.