10 Video Game Stories That Clearly Ended (And Then Got A Sequel)

5. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider The Last Revelation

Conversely, the Tomb Raider franchise seemed primed to offer up a decidedly less-happy ending with the shocking conclusion to the fourth game, The Last Revelation.

The game was created and marketed as the final entry into the series, due to developers Core Design feeling that the franchise had run its course.

And so, The Last Revelation ended in jaw-droppingly dark fashion, with Lara Croft seemingly being buried alive inside a collapsed tomb after refusing help from her former mentor Von Croy. Brutal.

It received broadly positive reviews and was accepted to be a fitting send-off for the series...only for Eidos to quickly greenlight the release of another game, Tomb Raider Chronicles, which came out just a year later.

Though Chronicles was primarily a prequel, it ended with the reveal that Lara was in fact alive, before the next game, The Angel of Darkness, acted as a direct sequel to The Last Revelation and brought Lara back in dubious earnest.

Unlike most games on this list, both of these follow-ups were critically and commercially unsuccessful, resulting in the franchise eventually being given to Crystal Dynamics, while Core Design fell into disrepute and was eventually closed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.