10 Video Game Trailers That Lied To Us (But Were Still Awesome)

6. Elite Dangerous

Dead Island
Frontier Developments

Since its debut in 1984, the Elite series has centred around space-trading and combat simulation. But after checking out Elite Dangerous' promotions, it seemed the MMO was gearing more towards action.

Like, a lot of action.

The teaser depicts ships blasting asteroids, enemy vessels, and space stations with an endless stream of bullets, all while rock and roll music blares in the background.

Anyone unfamiliar with the property safely assumed they were looking at a battle title (especially since it's called "Elite Dangerous"). After seeing this footage, even die-hard fans who know the franchise is a space flight simulator would believe Dangerous was going to be more bombastic than its predecessors.

But it wasn't the case. Once again, the gameplay primarily involves trading, mining, exploring, and more trading. Although there are action-oriented activities, it's less grandiose than the commercials suggested.

With that said, this space sandbox is lightyears ahead of its competition, thanks to its balanced mechanics, accessible features, and a literal galaxy full of content. The ability to take on many roles, including couriers, traders, pirates, infiltrators, and mercenaries offers a huge amount of replayability and diversity in the gameplay.

Even though Elite Dangerous was a tremendous game, you have to feel bad for anyone who bought it, expecting something akin to Star Wars.

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