10 Video Game Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

7. Necromorph Franco Delille - Dead Space 2

Resident Evil 6

Poor, poor Franco Delille.

Dead Space 2 certainly didn't waste any time throwing players back into the fray, as though protagonist Isaac Clarke wakes up on space station The Sprawl and is being attended to by Delille, within a matter of moments Delille is impaled through the head and chest by an Infector Necromorph.

Delille then begins his nauseating transformation into a Necromorph himself, sprouting tendrils out of his back before his face grotesquely splits apart as depicted in up-close and personal fashion. Ewww.

Granted this is just the beginning of what Isaac has to endure during the game's harrowing, anxiety-inducing opening sequence, but seeing a friendly human character be instantenously stripped of their humanity in ultra-violent fashion sure was a shocker.

As video game sequels that tell players "we mean business, OK?" from the outset go, few have pulled it off more effectively than this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.