10 Video Game Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

6. Reptile-Mech Jen - Prey

Resident Evil 6
Human Head Studios

2006's Prey is a criminally underappreciated FPS with some neat gameplay mechanics and a totally unique atmosphere.

The most memorable part of the entire game, however, may well be the both depressing and unexpected fate of protagonist Tommy's girlfriend Jen.

Though Jen is kidnapped by aliens at the start of the game, it was reasonable to assume that Tommy would find a way to save her by game's end, and yet sadly he doesn't.

When Tommy finally discovers Jen onboard the alien ship, she's housed within a strange extraterrestrial pod and complains that she can't feel her legs.

When the pod finally opens, Tommy learns that Jen's upper torso has been grafted onto a revolting reptilian alien creature's lower torso.

A boss fight ensues in which the Jen-monster hybrid attacks Tommy, forcing him to defeat the abomination. Though Tommy vows to save Jen following the fight, she makes it clear there's nothing to be done, asking him to put her out of her misery, which he does.

Talk about a bummer, and one few could've surely seen coming when Jen was first snatched by the aliens.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.