10 Video Game Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

5. Frank Fontaine - BioShock

Resident Evil 6

One of BioShock's several mind-melting plot twists is that Atlas, the revolutionary who helps guide Jack throughout the game, is actually Frank Fontaine, the primary antagonist who faked his own death and assumed the Atlas persona, allowing him to hide in plain sight.

Once Fontaine's ruse is revealed and Jack heads to his lab to take him on in the game's final boss fight, we see that Fontaine has pumped himself with massive amounts of the genetically-altering material ADAM, which has resulted in him being turned into an unrecognisable, bemuscled brute.

Not entirely unlike Arkham Asylum, BioShock's final boss fight is often held up to be the worst part of the game, largely due to the fact that an interesting character is basically reduced to a generic hulking goliath.

It's certainly quite the drastic transformation from his regular human appearance, though, and who saw this coming?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.