10 Video Game Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

3. Lizbert The Bugsnax Monster - Bugsnax

Resident Evil 6
Young Horses

Bugsnax revolves around the player's search for disgraced explorer Lizbert Megafig, who has vanished while exploring the mysterious, exotic Snaktooth Island.

Though Lizbert's various video diaries confirm her cute appearance consistent with the world's other characters, that all changes when players finally discover her whereabouts at game's end.

Lizbert has been transformed into a gigantic, spider-like Bugsnax monster, whereby her various body parts can shift into different types of Bugsnax at a moment's notice.

Between this and Lizbert's subsequent reveal that Bugsnax are actually parasites, it's a shocking and really quite unsettling body horror twist on a game marketed primarily on the basis of its bright colours and generally cutesy aesthetic.

While some did theorise pre-release that Bugsnax might harbour a darker undercurrent, nobody could've possibly predicted that Lizbert would end up turning into a deeply unnerving Bugsnax beast.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.