10 Video Game Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

2. Mutant Piers Nivans - Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6

We could write an entire list based entirely on grotesque transformations from the Resident Evil series, though the most shocking one that truly takes the cake? Piers Nivans in Resident Evil 6.

While arguably the very weakest entry into the mainline series, RE6 nevertheless got fans' pulses racing when Chris Redfield's partner Piers was gravely wounded by the B.O.W. Haos.

In a last ditch effort to help Chris escape, Piers ends up injecting himself with the C-Virus, allowing him to turn the tide against Haos with his newly-sprouted bio-electric mutant appendage.

After defeating Haos, though, Piers' mutation continues all while Chris preps an escape pod out of the underwater base.

Growing more inhuman and knowing that he'll soon lose all control, Piers pushes Chris into the pod and launches it out of the base.

Piers stays behind and sacrifices himself both to ensure Chris makes it safely off the base and to destroy the base once he's clear.

Say what you will about the game overall, but Piers' transformation was both genuinely surprising and even a little bit affecting.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.