10 Video Game Trophies That Made You Do RIDICULOUS Things

4. Tournament Champion - Chess Ultra

catherine game

Hats off to anyone who can be bothered to get the "Tournament Champion" trophy on Chess Ultra, because it'll sure as hell test your capacity for jumping through hoops and entertaining sheer nonsense.

This' achievement requires you to win a 32-player online tournament, but because actually finding 31 other players and managing to win is an extremely tall order, the "easiest" way to do this is through boosting.

Basically, you have to create 31 dummy PSN accounts to stand in for the other players, and because the PS4 limits you to 16 active accounts per console, you'll need a friend to help create the other half.

Once the accounts are all made, you need to create a tournament with all those accounts as participants, and then log into each account and delete the tournament, which the game will interpret as a loss for the dummy accounts and a win for your core account.

Once you and your friend have done this to all the other accounts, your main will be declared the winner, in turn popping the trophy.

Unsurprisingly this is such an epic, time-consuming faff that only 0.1% of Chess Ultra players on PS4 have ever attained the trophy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.