10 Video Game Trophies That Made You Do RIDICULOUS Things

5. Strumillionaire - Guitar Hero Live

catherine game

In the plastic guitar-playing stakes, you probably thought it couldn't get any worse than Rock Band 2's infamous "Bladder of Steel" achievement, where you had to beat the six-hour Endless Setlist 2 without failing a song or even pausing the game.

And though Guitar Hero Live's "Strumillionaire" achievement can at least be completed at the leisure of your bladder and bowels, it'll also end up costing around 100 hours of your precious existence.

The reason for this? It requires players to perform one million strums of their plastic guitar peripheral in the game's GHTV mode. 

And while slogging it out for roughly four days of your life is one ridiculous way to do it, enterprising players came up with a hilariously ingenious alternative.

If you've got a reciprocating saw handy, you can set it up to auto-strum the guitar for you. Players have reported being able to register up to 2,000 strums per minute, ensuring that Strumillionaire can be idly completed in less than 10 hours.

Just remember to wrap the saw's blade in tape before you start, though, lest it scratch the guitar to bits.

Then again, with GHTV Mode going offline back in late 2018, the window has long since passed for you to get silly in pursuit of this trophy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.