10 Video Game Trophies That REALLY Test Your Patience

5. Resistance 2 - Killing Machine

Far cry 5
Insomniac Games

There’s a vital caveat to this entry: Resistance 2’s servers have been shut down, making this trophy now permanently inaccessible. Those who tried to acquire it during the game’s online heyday, however, will remember just how daunting it could be.

Online FPS titles are some of the longest-living around. Titles like Overwatch are still going strong (not as strong, of course, but strong) after many years, with players racking up incredible stats in terms of hours spent, kills scored and so on. Resistance 2 seemed to be counting on this, with its “Killing Machine” trophy demanding a total of 10,000 kills in online play. Not just any online play, but competitive ranked matches.

The ranked modes of such titles are often not a fun place to be at all, and depending on your skill level, this could be a long, endlessly frustrating slog simply for a Gold trophy.

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