10 Video Game Trophies That REALLY Test Your Patience

6. Far Cry 6 - Oh No You Don’t

Far cry 5

Those seeking to nab all Far Cry 6’s trophies will have to contend with any pesky gaming mechanic: time gating. The Oh No You Don’t trophy may not sound all that tricky, as some challenges go (Take out three Insurgent Leaders), but it’s important to consider what this will actually entail.

For starters, these missions are no cakewalk, only being accessible after completing the campaign. Insurgencies see a given leader take over a section of the map for one week, and the objectives associated with that Insurgency must be completed before they change again.

Real-time ‘deadlines’ are a rarity that even the most nefarious trophies don’t tend to deal in, and this time-consuming mechanic only makes it worse.

Essentially, however adapt a Far Cry 6 player you are, it will take three weeks of play to unlock this trophy, as the third leader won’t even be accessible until then.

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