10 Video Game Trophies That REALLY Test Your Patience

2. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare’s “Mile High Club” Trophy

Far cry 5

Call of Duty fans will surely be adept at the series’ gripping high-octane action. The series’ campaigns are setpiece-laden thrill rides, and its online multiplayer is demanding and all kinds of tense.

Timing, positioning and a steady aim are key to success in this iconic FPS series, and one particular challenge pushes these qualities more than any other: the “Mile High Club” trophy from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

This trophy requires you to “sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty,” which demands a perfect run through a very difficult section on an aeroplane to rescue a hostage. You have just sixty seconds to complete this mission, are beset by enemies, and the slightest mistake will mean trying again.

Attempts are very short, but this only heightens the frustration as you try again and again in quick succession. It’s the sort of thing that requires the pattern memorization and practise of a classic Mega Man boss.

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