10 Video Game True Endings That Change EVERYTHING

5. Super Shadow Vs. Devil Doom - Shadow The Hedgehog (2005)

batman Arkham knight ending

Not everyone enjoys the ham-fisted edginess of Sonic's melancholy doppelgänger, and in his own standalone story, Shadow the Hedgehog's no-nonsense 'tude is really turned up to eleven - literally, as it turns out.

So, then, it probably wouldn't be a stretch to say that not many people were prepared to finish the game ELEVEN TIMES just to unlock the definitive ending to this divisive entry in the series.

That's right. Excluding the true ending, there are ten different ways to witness the game's conclusion: five for the Hero route, and five for the Dark route. Only by having seen all of them is the Last Story level made available in the game's menu, and if you go through with it, Shadow will find himself in a battle to the death with his demonic co-creator, Black Doom.

The final fight has Doom become Devil Doom, a one-eyed bat creature, and, using the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Shadow changes into his Super form in order to defeat him. After doing so, Shadow uses the Space Colony ARK's Eclipse Cannon to destroy the Black Comet that Doom has unleashed upon Earth.

When everything is done, Shadow simply walks away with the final words: "Goodbye forever...Shadow the Hedgehog."


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.