10 Video Game True Endings That Change EVERYTHING

3. The Greatest Heist Of All - PAYDAY 2 (2016)

batman Arkham knight ending
505 Games

Of all the true video game endings out there, PAYDAY 2's has got to be, without a doubt, one of the most unbelievable tests of player patience, skill and teamwork ever to rear its ugly head in the world of interactive media.

The standard ending of the game is rather a depressing one, with the character Bain succumbing to a lethal virus and the PAYDAY crew putting a stop to their criminal careers as a result.

You've got to really, REALLY want to see the true ending if you're intent on going about unlocking it.

Collect a truckload of special artefacts; lay them out on a table; 'shoot' a specific melody out on the piano to activate the device; decipher the insanely unintuitive code; replay the White House contract on Overkill difficulty or above with three other players who've gone through the EXACT same steps as you...

Are your eyes glazing over yet? And all of that's just to get to the level in the first place!

After going through another dozen or so insane steps (I HIGHLY recommend using a walkthrough), the live-action cutscene, Offshore Payday, will be unlocked, during which there's a totally unexpected implication: that Bain is not actually dead, but has swapped bodies with the president of the United States?!

Yes, it's very confusing. But after what you've just been through to get it, surely any amount of reward is better than nothing.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.