10 Video Game Tutorials That Played Cruel Tricks On Players

4. Undertale - How Everything Works

Dark souls asylum demon
Toby Fox

Alongside being brilliantly written and stuffed with memorable characters, Tobey Fox’s Undertale has made a mark on the gaming world for its effortless ability to subvert RPG mechanics to give its simple plot a massive impact. Depending on the player’s choice, Undertale will divulge hidden secrets and break the fourth wall in unexpected ways. Regardless of what choices players make, Undertale never ceases to surprise.

It doesn’t take long for Fox to start setting up the pieces to catch players off-guard. Moments after awakening in the monster-infested realm, the player-character bumps into an innocuous looking flower who introduces themselves as Flowey and insists on going over how the game works.

They explain that the heart icon represents the protagonist's soul and inform players that the LV in the HUD stands for "love". So far, so good.

The friendly flower then offers to share some love with players, instructing them to collect as many “friendliness pellets” as they can. However, this is a trap. The projectiles will harm you. Though players are saved at the last minute.

Moreover, it’s revealed much later that LV actually stands for “level of violence”, with the player’s morality judged on how high their level is.

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Dark Souls
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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.