10 Video Game Tutorials That Played Cruel Tricks On Players

5. Dark Souls - Surprise Boss

Dark souls asylum demon

Although the original Demon’s Souls launched first, it was Dark Souls which put FromSoftware’s tough-but-fair approach to game design in the spotlight. Player’s will be continuously beaten to a pulp repeatedly during their journey through Lordran, their skill improving with each new run. But no matter how impossible a boss seems to beat, it’s that unrivalled feeling of accomplishment that players get after depleting their health bar which keeps them coming back for more punishment.

Players can expect to be tripped up dozens of times through their playthrough, though they likely weren’t expecting to be as cruelly tricked as they were at such an early stage.

When the player’s freshly created character escapes their cell in the Undead Asylum, messages on the ground teach players the fundamentals like attacking and locking on to enemies. At this point players are only equipped with a broken weapon, but this is all that's needed for the harmless enemies here.

And then players, still with a broken weapon, step through a large door and are ambushed by the first boss. Unprepared to fight this boss, players are supposed to run - though they need to figure that part out themselves.

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Dark Souls
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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.