10 Video Game Twists We Never Saw Coming

1. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

video game twists

Star Wars and twist endings go together like lightsabers and Han Solo’s chest. Darth Vader’s infamous reveal at the end of Empire Strikes Back is one of the most Earth-shattering swerves in the history of cinema, but it was arguably outdone by BioWare.

Set during the Old Republic era, when both the Sith and the Republic command large military forces, Knights of the Old Republic puts you in the shoes of an amnesiac Jedi. The mysterious Darth Revan looms over events as an ominous yet absent figure; we know that he was once a Jedi knight, but he turned his back on the Order in favour of going to war. He helped to win the war, but his subsequent exile from the Jedi Order led him down a much darker path as ruler of the Sith.

So when it is revealed that you were actually Revan all along, your entire outlook on the game’s events is altered. It turns out Bastila – your close ally and confidante – had bested you in combat, before wiping your mind and turning you over to the Jedi Council.

From this point onwards, you can either chose to revert to your past life as Revan, or embrace a new existence as champion of the Jedi.


Which video game twist came out of nowhere and went down in history? Let us know in the comments!


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.