10 Video Game Twists We Never Saw Coming

3. Spec Ops: The Line

video game twists
2K Games

Set in post-sandstorm Dubai, The Line is a present day retelling of Hearts of Darkness, albeit one that uses video game tropes to get inside your head. At one point in the game, you’re tasked with bombing an enemy command post with an AC130-style weapon, the kind most people are used to using in modern shooters.

After picking off soldiers cleanly and efficiently with white phosphorous, Captain Walker and his team visit the site of their destruction, only to find that they had been bombing a civilian encampment.

Similarly, there comes a point when hundreds of rioters start approaching the player, throwing rocks and hurling abuse. In a moment of panic, most players tend to fire into the crowd, killing otherwise innocent civilians, when they could have simply fired off a warning shot into the air.

These moments all lead into The Line’s biggest twist, the reveal that Konrad, the game’s primary antagonist who had been conversing with Walker over his portable radio, had been dead all along.

The portable radio had been broken for some time, and Walker had been imagining Konrad’s voice on the other end, as a means of dealing with his own guilt and grief caused by his actions in the field.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.