10 Video Game Unlockable Characters NOBODY WANTED

1. Base Goku - Dragon Ball Fighterz

Tekken Doctor Bosconovitch
Bandai Namco

When you think of the Dragon Ball franchise, it's pretty likely that you immediately think of the monkey man himself Goku (and probabaly how his combined screaming scenes from across the series would last a full day). He's a character that has transcended his own IP to become one of the most recognisable animated characters, appearing in countless video games, movies and shows over the years.

Hell, fans love him so much that he even appears in multiple forms in most video games he's in, and the exceptional FighterZ is no exception. However there's one option that feels, well more than a little underwhelming, and that's Base Goku.

And yes I know this is technically DLC so is only unlocked by spending cash and not investing skill, but come on, I really feel the need to go in on the fact that you're being charged for a character IN HIS WEAKEST STATE when there are Super Saiyan and God Saiyan versions in the vanilla game. People already had Goku... so what was the point?!

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