10 Video Game Villains Created Out Of Spite
The GTA vs. Driver feud is legendary.
![Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Driv3r](https://d2thvodm3xyo6j.cloudfront.net/media/2021/11/a65ee465dab021bb-600x338.jpg)
A great video game villain can serve as an indelible icon of the game or perhaps even the franchise - while most of us barely remember much at all about Far Cry 3's hero, who could ever forget seeing villain Vaas Montenegro's mug placed prominently in every trailer?
But sometimes villains aren't necessarily created to look good on a poster - sometimes they're born out of a desire to get one over on a party that's allegedly wronged someone in the development team.
That's certainly true in the case of these 10 video game villains, who whether minor baddies or overarching antagonists, were all created largely to throw shade at someone who ground the developer's gears.
The developers were clearly fed up with obnoxious players, mean critics, their industry rivals, or perhaps even their own business partners. Whatever the reason, those frustrations were immortalised on-screen in these classic video games for all to see.
While in many cases you'd never guess there was a rich history of antagonism behind these video game enemies, in others it's blatantly clear that somebody had a massive chip on their shoulder about something...
10. Buff Gamer & The ECHOnet Game Reviewers - Borderlands 2
![Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Driv3r](https://d2thvodm3xyo6j.cloudfront.net/media/2021/11/0b169077ae1ec9a5-600x338.jpg)
The Borderlands series has a penchant for equal opportunities mockery, gleefully taking to task anyone and anything should it fancy.
Yet despite the original game receiving generally positive reviews from critics, developer Gearbox Software clearly couldn't resist the urge to throw some shade at those critics who weren't quite so charitable.
In the optional "Matter of Taste" mission from the DLC pack "Mr. Torgue's Campaign Of Carnage," Mr. Torgue instructs players to track down a number of obnoxious video game critics and straight-up murder them for negatively reviewing some of his favourite games.
The ring-leader of the pack goes by the moniker "BuffGamer," and players are also asked to slaughter ECHOnet's general reviewing staff.
Though on one hand the mission is clearly using Mr. Torgue to make fun of how seriously gamers take video game reviews, it's also undeniably ribbing reviewers themselves.
This is especially obvious when BuffGamer refers to a 6/10 game as having "sucked," mocking how so few game critics actually use the full 1-10 review scale.
Evidently Gearbox just finds the entire review circus exhausting on both sides of the fence, and this reflected that frustration with hilarious irreverence.